FAQ - Online Iyer

Is it possible to pay a portion of the fee in advance to confirm the Poojas and then pay the remainder in cash or online after the Homam?

Yes, you can pay a portion of the total as a deposit to secure your reservation. After the homam, you can pay the balance in cash to our Priests or by making an online transfer (click on the “Pay-Balance” option in your My-Account area matching your order number).

How will I know what all I need to keep ready for the Pooja?

When you schedule a pooja by paying in advance or in full, you will receive a To-Do List in your email within a few hours, with all of the essential things, such as deepam, matchbox, and pooja bell, Mats, bowls, trays, and so on.

Do I Have To Pay The Priest Any Additional Dakshina?

No, you will not be charged an additional fee for Dakshina because it is already included in the package.

What Will I Do If The Pandit Doesn't Show Up?

Our Pandits will be on time most of the time, but due to unforeseen situations, they may be a little late. However, they will arrive at your location, so you can rest confident they will arrive.

How Long Does It Take To Complete The Pooja/Havan?

Poojas are usually done for 1:30 hours or more at the same time, depending on the pooja package chosen.

What will the Priest bring with him in terms of materials?

Our priests will bring all of the pooja/homam samagris, such as coconuts, Kalash, dhoop, samith sticks, navdhanya, rice, dravyas, ghee, darba, Camphor, and so on.

Do I Have To Pay An Additional Fee For The Travel Charge?

No, you will not be charged an additional fee for travel. However, if the pooja is really far away and outside of our service region, you may be charged an additional fee, which you can inquire about with our support staff while making your reservation.

If I choose a Vedic Pooja Center while I'm abroad, when will I receive the Prasad for my Pooja?

After the Pooja has been completed, you will receive the Prasad for your pooja within 14 working days (Subject to the country and the customs department of that particular country).

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